start creating pages:
create page without JSON-loopkey
use only parts of the loop. Start at item 1
no of pages to create: 1
Toolset pagetype set: firstasterit
DELETE Custom Posts:
typeOfNewpage: firstasterit
nameofthejsonimport: 055f15ff785a9a95ab1462c7ed87f7f3
try to delete previous generated pages! key: 055f15ff785a9a95ab1462c7ed87f7f3
found 0 pages of this type: firstasterit - try to delete these pages
delete runtime: 0
tried to delete prevoius generated Custom Pages, but found none (e. g. initial run)

title template from shortcode: {{Titolo}}
excerpt template from shortcode:
slugname template from shortcode: ts-{{Titolo|replace({'/': '-'})}}

start looping: